National "I Am" day is not just a day to remind us to move the clock forward; it is also a day to celebrate the importance of believing in ourselves and our unique abilities and strengths.
Here is a poem in celebration of "I AM" Day.
On National "I Am" Day, we celebrate
All the things that make us great
From the things we like to do
To the things that make us feel brand new
Some of us are quiet and shy
While others love to reach up high
To the skies above, we dare to dream
And see the world in a different beam
Some of us love to paint and draw
While others like to read and explore
New worlds and ideas to be found
In books and stories all around
Some of us love to run and play
While others love to learn and create
The possibilities are endless, it's true
There's no limit to what we can do
So on this special day, let's all say
"I am unique, in every way!"
And celebrate the person we are
For we are all a shining star
So let's embrace ourselves, and all we love
And rise up high like a soaring dove
For on National "I Am" Day we see
All the magic and wonder inside of me!

Image from Pexel

Image from Pexel